Eye Care Information from Our London Optometrist
Are you interested in learning more about common eye conditions? Would you like to know what is covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan? London, Ontario optometrist Dr. Cook is pleased to provide you with the following helpful information. You might also be interested in checking out the topics covered by the Canadian Association of Optometrists.
What You Should Know about OHIP Coverage
OHIP provides one full eye exam per year and covers minor emergency exams for children (age 19 and under) and seniors (age 65 and older). Annual eye exams for adults (ages 20-64) are not covered unless patients have certain medical conditions or eye diseases. Keep in mind that many private insurance plans will cover your eye exams.
Common Eye Conditions
Nearsightedness – A refractive eye disorder also known as myopia, this is the inability to see at a distance. You might have trouble with night vision
and reading road signs. Squinting and headaches are also common.
– Known as hyperopia, this eye condition prevents you from seeing close-up objects. Objects in the distance may appear blurry in some severe cases. Eye
strain, reading difficulties and headaches are common.
– A condition that occurs naturally with age, presbyopia is the loss of focusing ability and characterized by difficulty reading. Presbyopia commonly occurs
around age 40 and may lead to headaches and the need to hold reading material farther away from your eyes.
– This condition is known for distorted vision at any distance and is commonly caused by the irregular shape of the cornea. Occurring frequently with
nearsightedness and farsightedness, astigmatism may also cause eye discomfort and headaches.
– Common in people over age 55, this condition is the development of a cloudy or opaque area in the normally clear lens behind the iris. Cataracts typically
appear in both eyes and may occasionally occur in infants and children. Usually age-related, they can also be caused by diabetes, certain medications and
exposure to UV radiation.
– In this condition, a steady increase of eye pressure slowly damages the optic nerves and can lead to blindness. In many cases, glaucoma will develop without pain, discomfort or any other symptoms. It is commonly discovered due to a loss of peripheral or side vision. Early detection is critical as it can be treated and controlled.
Macular Degeneration
– This disease affects the maculae, a part of the retina at the back of the eye. It can create blurring and the loss of your central vision and is the leading
cause of blindness for people over 50. Common symptoms include the gradual loss of colour vision, a gradual inability to see objects clearly, distorted vision and a dark area appearing in the centre of your vision